Seven minutes

Musei Vaticani. One of the most precious art collections in the world. After the first hour of a continues walk through rooms, halls, and corridors, I was just simply tired. There was a moment I was just shooting without any more profound thought.

As we got to the Sistine Chapel, spent something like half an hour there, we wanted to leave through the Basilica. But the door was closed. Rehearsals took place for an event in the evening. So we had to go back to the Museum.

This time, however, we were diverted to go through the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana.

We did not enter the interior. But we went slowly along a long but long corridor full of book collections. Basically, as in the whole Musei Vaticani, we did not know what to look at. The furniture, the walls, or the ceilings. On photos, a glimpse of the interiors caught within a period of seven minutes.  The corridors in the Bibliotheca only.

Seven minutes