
Statue of Binzuru in Tōdai-Ji Temple in Nara (Japan)

Visiting Japanese temples you may find there many figures (statues) symbolic to the religious system (either Buddhist or Shinto). One of them is Binzuru.

Binzuru is a Japanese Buddhist figure associated with healing and compassion. Also known as Pindola Bharadvaja, Binzuru was one of the Buddha’s original disciples and is said to have been known for his healing powers. In Japan, Binzuru is often depicted as an elderly monk with a kind and gentle expression. He is typically shown sitting in a meditative pose, holding a cane and a beggar’s bowl. It is believed that he has the power to cure illnesses and alleviate suffering, and many people visit his shrines and temples to pray for healing and good health.

One popular practice associated with Binzuru is the rubbing of his statue. It is believed that by rubbing the statue, one can transfer Binzuru’s healing power to themselves or a loved one who is ill.

Binzuru wears an orange robe, which is a traditional color for Buddhist monks in Japan and other Asian countries. The color orange is considered significant in Buddhism, as it represents the color of the robes worn by the Buddha and his followers. It is also said to represent the qualities of wisdom, humility, and detachment from material possessions.

The orange robe worn by Binzuru is thus a symbol of his status as a Buddhist monk and his dedication to the practice of the Buddhist teachings. It is also believed to represent his compassion and willingness to help those in need, as Buddhist monks are known for their role in providing spiritual guidance and support to their communities.
